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How to choose a kayak

"How to choose a kayak" is the subject that the beginners can go crazy ... luckily. How to choose the right kayak when you do not have the necessary bases to make a choice? The answer is negative, and it is right that it should be so.

How to choose a kayak ?

Your best option is to get as close to a kayak as possible, for example, a kayak for cruising, (4.5-5 m in length, 58-63 cm in the sleeve, and a reduced load capacity) with a good resale value. Start with an intermediate design and think that this first boat will not be the last one throughout your life.

Kayaking Choose the color of the kayak

>> If you have any specific doubts, please contact the kayak shop, and it will help you immediately!

Do not worry about following your instinct when choosing a kayak. Within the limits of tackling something new, make sure you feel good about your first kayak and that it is not uncomfortable or dangerous. Try on the water as many kayaks as you can, then choose the kayak with which you feel more relaxed and that you like (kayak is something very personal, and the aspect also counts). If you are well and you like it, you will use it.

And the more you use it, the faster you'll learn. As you gain experience, you will change your ideas about the kayak that suits you, sometimes in a specular way. Whenever you can, rent or borrow other kayaks and try them out.

Kayaking Choose a kayak (another page that helps you choose a kayak)

Why not choose a plastic sea kayak (see picture below) that make the big brands. There is nothing extreme in their design, they have all the essential features and are almost indestructible; The Paleo with them is reasonably good, and they keep a good price if you resell them. These kayaks are comparatively cheap. Therefore, if you discover that sea kayaking is not for you, you will not have made a significant investment in something useless for you. If these kayaks do not appeal to you, consider any of the modern fiberglass kayaks where you live.

Kayaking Choose the kayak material


Once you acquire a realistic vision of your needs, the choice of the kayak will become the most important step in the road undertaken in kayaking. The kayak you choose will affect the shape of the paleo, style, accessories and mental attitude. Does it intimidate you? Do not worry and remember that no one has yet found the perfect kayak. And if anyone got it, he would probably try to improve it somehow.

Choose the kayak manufacturer

The first question when selecting a kayak is: How do you imagine using it? If you are attracted to the idea of long cruises in the middle of nature, you will want something with a lot of cargo space. This probably requires a moderately wide sleeve. Remember, however, that the wider the kayak, the slower it will be, and that during days of crossing the sea will be tired, so you must reach a compromise between a high volume and a hydrodynamic hull and fast.

Most kayak manufacturers have at least one model for cruising on the market, so make sure the seller shows them to you. Also, the boat will have to be robust and probably massive hull, although many manufacturers of kayaks employ high technology materials that are resistant and light (and expensive). Choose-a-kayak-detachable

If you think you will have to cross the country or go to another point of the planet to shovel, kayaks foldable and removable facilitate transport and are manageable.

For the contemplation of nature or to practice fishing kayak you will want a very stable kayak that can be left alone while you manipulate the equipment or the fishing; Think of a mango boat. It is also advantageous to have a ship that turns quickly or within a limited space.legend-kayak-fishing

If you are only interested in short trips, as happens to almost 40 percent of the sea kayakers, you will want a boat that reaches a top speed with a minimum of effort. It must be quick and alive, that allows you an invigorating training and test your abilities.

Once you have decided on what kayak you will use, you will have to start thinking about choosing the type of kayak that best fulfills this task. Ask yourself what concessions you intend to make to meet your goals.

Kayaking Choose a kayak (another page that helps you choose a kayak)

Once you've focused your choice on one type of kayak, you can refine the process of choosing kayak by answering the following questions:

Are you the kayak and you? All kayaks need internal adjustments. Keep in mind if there is enough space for the feet and points of support or contact for the knees, thighs, hips, buttocks and lumbosacral region. Sit down for a while before making a judgment. Never buy a kayak without trying it.

Does the kayak have enough stability to make you feel safe? Is the kayak predictable stability or is suddenly unstable if you line yourself too much?

Is paleo easy? A good way to find out is to paddle the kayak against the wind and waves.

How difficult are the turns or the navigation in a straight line? To what extent does the kayak keep the course about the wind?

Can you lift the kayak and carry it alone? Will it be tough to hoist it in the roof of the car?

Does the kayak have enough reserve buoyancy in the form of buoyancy bags or watertight bulkheads to float if tipped?

Does the kayak have accessories such as knobs, a bow rope to tow the kayak, elastic cords of the deck and a few watertight tambuchos? Are they strong and up to what they are going to demand?

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